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Technologies That Are Revolutionizing The World Of Remote Work

According to an Owl Labs study, 16% of companies in the world are fully remote and hiring remote-only employees. The number is only going to increase with the advent of newer technologies and the increased popularity of remote work among employees.

In this article, we are going to look at the X technologies that are redefining the remote work experience for both employees and employers.

1. Cloud Computing and Cloud Storage

In 2022, not investing in cloud computing and cloud-based storage is equivalent to companies not investing in the internet in the 2000s.  This means, your competitors have already taken a head-start. 

Cloud computing and storage enable a virtual environment for remote work and collaboration, for example, we can take the names of DropBox and Google Docs. The advantage of many devices easily accessing a computer on the cloud means there is no issue with synergy and teamwork. This is as good as working together in a physical office.

These days, almost all companies use Cloud computing and cloud-based storage. Meaning everybody has the necessary tool to leverage remote work facilities. It’s just a matter of taking the leap of faith and setting up a culture for them.

2. 5G

The next generation of cellular networks called 5G. 5G is already rolling across many countries and other countries are also getting prepared for it. It is the future with a speed that is 100x faster.

Remote jobs are heavily dependent on internet connections. With the introduction of 5G, employees can have access to super-fast internet even at places where WiFi or ethernet connections are not up to the mark.

3. Virtual Reality and Instant Messaging

Even in a remote setting, video conferencing tools such as Zoom and Google Meet, and instant communication apps like Slack and Twist have augmented the collaboration method and comfort. These tools are super-effective modes of communication to help remote offices function seamlessly.

On the other hand, virtual reality meeting tools are promising to take online video conferencing to a different level. Although most of these tools are still in the beta stage, the promise they have provided is infinite!

4. Project Management Tools

While video conferencing and instant messaging tools help everybody keep in the same loop in terms of collaboration, you need proper project management tools which allow employees to not just communicate, but to collaborate, work on projects, and track real-time progress.

There are loads of general project management tools such as Trello,, and Asana. Options are also plenty in the market for project management tools specifically made for different kinds of industries and businesses. Two such examples are Jira and GitHub which are used for software development projects.

These generalized and specifically made project management tools are lifesavers for both managers and employees.

5. Remote Training Tools

First-day orientation and a new employee’s seamless integration into the company are two of the major challenges with remote work. It’s impossible for companies hiring remotely to fly their new recruits to their physical office for training them on company practices, norms, culture, and values. 

However, different remote training tools have done a wonderful job of narrowing this gap. They communicate the company knowledge by providing the employees with hands-on experiences. One example of such a tools is Tuple. It helps remote teams present information and other things virtually.

These training tools also provide company knowledge with their useful templates, documentation, and company guidelines. As a result, employees can blend into the company in no time even working remotely.

Companies That Are Leveraging These Remote Work Technologies to Build Perfect Tech Teams for Your Company

There are many existing companies like Turing, Remotive, Daxx, and Ban Base that leverage these tools and technologies to their best to transform remote work.

For example, the developers that we have at Ban Base, use Git for software development collaboration. As for general purposes, all employees and managers at Ban Base use for project management tracking, real-time progress checking, task assignment, and so on. Finally, for instant communication, Slack is used at Ban Base.

Usage of these tools ensure that there’s no gap or barrier in teamwork and collaboration when you hire Developers from Ban Base.

About the Author

Tanvir Wazy Ullah Patwary